Friday 1 April 2011

More from the Matterhorn

Day 2: While the snow at the top of the mountain is still in fantastic condition, it is getting slushy lower down – even at 2000 metres, the spring sun is melting the snow, and the track back to the hotel is disappearing fast.  However, the weather in the mountains is ever changeable. ….

Day 3: We woke to a bleak outlook, no sign of the mountains and wet snow falling in the village.  As we took the lifts up to the top, Enrico, our guide looked gloomy – “We go see, then decide what to do.”  Fortunately his nose for the best weather proved right once again.  After rising through thick fog in Cervinia, the clouds were less dense on the Zermat side, and eventually cleared enough for the sun to shine through while we skied through fresh powder on the piste and enjoyed our morning coffee in the sunny bar where we stopped for lunch yesterday.  .  But by lunchtime, the fog had closed in pretty much everywhere and snow was falling.  We headed home and crossed our fingers that the snow would not turn to rain, and the sun would emerge another day.

Day 4:  A perfect day – sun and fresh snow.  The best morning’s conditions of the season according to the lovely Enrico as he took us to the top of the mountain and we skied down 2000 metres to Valletourneche one of the lowest points in the valley.  The blessed conditions meant we could ski off-piste on virgin snow for part of the descent, where the the silence of our tracks was in sharp contrast to the rattle of our skis on the hard packed piste we returned to, before the snow softened in the valley.  By lunchtime, that part of the valley would have turned to mush – but us early birds had a wonderful treat. Tomorrow is the 1st April – amazing.

Day 5: The strong sun continues giving wonderful morning conditions, but heavy conditions after lunch mean an early descent for me, and my aching knees.  But not before our new guide Isaac, has us short turning down a steep black.  After a 20 minute ascent by T-bar, it’s not surprising that my knees are shot!

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