Saturday 30 March 2013

Northern lights

Another catch up blog.  In March 2013 we celebrated Robin's birthday - albeit 2 months late - with an awesome winter adventure in Finland, just below the Arctic Circle.  We were hoping to see the Northern Lights, but we also had several days of snowy activities ahead.  Staying in our own lodge on the edge of a frozen lake and with a personal guide to show us the way, we had an amazing time snow shoeing through remote forests, snow mobiling off the beaten track, trying out cross country skiing - much harder than you would think - and, our favourite activity, a full day husky sledding through a pristine white landscape.  In fact, from the moment we flew over Finland, there were only two colours to see on the ground - white snow and and green trees.  The roads were white, even most of the airport was snow covered, with just the runway cleared.

Spring was approaching, so days were quite long and temperatures reached a heady -2C.  At night they could drop to -25C, so we had to wrap up warm on our last evening, when we trekked out on our frozen lake, lit a fire, and waited for the Northern Lights.  We were rewarded with a delicate display - not as spectacular as some, but pretty cool nonetheless.  A great trip.